Friday, December 31, 2010

Knocking Down Trees!

Spent the afternoon on my Kioti CK20 HST knocking down trees.  If its less the about 6-7" in diameter i can push it over getting the root ball up. Tomorrow the neighbor and his son are going to come over and help thin the woods. Most will go to them for firewood, their primary heat source for their home. I'm going to save any larger trees for cutting lumber for shelters using a chainsaw mill.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

I'm Blogging!

Well my Wife has been nagging me to start a blog for about 6 months, here it is.  My hope is to share information  found, lessons I've learned or tricks I've discovered relevant to our life here in the Pacific Northwest and our next adventure of turning the back of our property into a mini cattle ranch. 

Now some may think that by "mini" I mean small...well small is right by a factor of two!  Our entire property is 6.5 acres and about 4.5 acres are being turned into pasture, which is kinda mini for a ranch. The second "mini" is for the cattle, yes miniature cattle that measure 37-42" tall when full grown!

My Wife Kathy and I moved to the small town of Kingston Washington from Southern California in the Spring of 2006.  We gave up BIG CITY living for a rural life. While we do commute to Seattle during the week via the Ferry, we live on a two lane highway where we can only see one neighbors house and they are the worlds best neighbors! We often Joke when we see a house we like that we would have to move our neighbors also.

The first posts will be about us and our family of 4 big dogs and what our interests are.

Thanks for Reading